Social distancing and self isolation can be hard, especially after finding out that the shelter in place will be extended for longer than we expected. Many Americans have recently begun working from home as coorporate offices close and send employees home. Major employers like Indeed we heard supplied funding to their new remote workers to help set up home offices!
"Why is human distancing and self isolation so important? It works! If we stop and slow the spread of this virus, we can allow those who do get seriously ill to have access to urgent medical care. If the system gets over-run, we could repeat what Italy is experiencing and we KNOW this can be avoided. Please know that by staying at home and by staying isolated for the next few weeks you will play a critically important role in SAVING LIVES: This should be the ultimate motivation." - Chief Evangelist Leonard Steinberg from Compass.
Check out a few tips below to find out how to make working from home easier.
1. Location, location, location
I know that as a real estate agent this is the number one priority with my clients. The same applies for the office desk space! Find yourself an area to work where you can associate your job.
2. Bring The Outdoors In
Now is a great time to bring the outdoor indoors! Creating a comfortable ambiance is key to having your business become more successful. (Don't forget to pick up your plants from the office in order to keep them alive and well)!
3. Repurpose Your Commute
A major perk of being at home is not having to sit in traffic! Use this time to workout, go on a hike, or a run! I love to bring my pet with me, because not only am I getting a great workout in, but so is my dog. Lots of our pets are definitely enjoying the working from home concept.
4. Show Your Face
Video communication is a great way to reconnect with clients, family, and friends. This helps create a social environment even if you are feeling alone. My team members at Juice Real Estate uses Zoom for conference calls, BlueJeans, Skype, Lifesize, or Facetime! This is a great tool to interact amongst others.
5. Create Lists
Everyday, create a list of what you would like to do by the end of the day! It is extremely helpful being able to feel productive and crossing things off.